Real-time matching
Real-time system follow-up. Tutor Circle finds tutors for you within one day, and provides private tutoring matching services for students with urgent needs.
Excellent teachers
Tutor Circle has 30,000+ registered private tutors. 90% of them comes from HKU, CUHK and HKUST. The ratio of tutors with 5* and 5** in HKDSE is more than 90%.
Tutor Circle has served 20,000+ students. The demand for private tutoring has been increasing, and tutoring agencies are becoming more and more widespread. Tutor Circle insists to provide the best services. Every tutors and students are treated equally.
Tutor Login
Academic results of successful matched tutors in May, 2020 (Secondary School subjects)*
5* & 5** Percentage
5** Percentage
*All data is collected from successful matching cases.
Latest updates: April 31, 2020
Excellent academic results with guaranteed teaching quality.
You can achieve your learning goals!
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Comments from students
Tutor Circle provides us such a great tutor matching platform. I'm busy but Tutor Circle helped me to find a better tutor for my child. They're so caring and professional. Thank you!

The service quality is high and the staff are nice with patience. They even replied messages and answered my questions at night.

Not gonna lie, the services of Tutor Circle are the best in the whole tutoring agency industry.

The information of tutor is very detailed and it's completely FREE OF CHARGE! 👍🏻 Also, the staff are polite. Thank you for your services! 😊