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兼職補習導師 & 一般補習個案收費上限:一對一補習個案: $700小組補習個案: $500(每位學生計)現職或曾任教師導師/全職補習導師 & 樂器/外語/國際試補習個案收費上限:一對一補習個案: $1000小組補習個案: $700(每位學生計)行政費計算方法:兩星期協議堂數或行政費上限的學費,以較低者為準。短補課程將會酌情處理行政費用,詳情請依尋補客服指示為準。
  1. Tutor meets the requirement of the case, primarily location and time(subject to other requirements by tutee). If tutor is interested in the case but is only available in other time, please mention it in the chat.
  2. Tutor's self-introduction is precise and easy to understand.
  3. Tutor's past record is satisfactory and tutorial lessons have not been cancelled by parents.
  4. The instructor has a good attitude.
在導師未正式上第一堂課時,根據私隱條例關係,在未經雙方同意下,Tutor Circle不會交換雙方電話,直至大家見面前一天為止。
The tuition will be divided equally between Tutor Circle and tutor if the cancellation is not initiated by tutor.